It Gets Better!!

You always hear it gets better, but honestly it does it might not feel like it but its amazing

i always hid who i was or tried to hide who i was i tried to act boyish as i could but sometimes it didn't work out i used to play with barbies and i used to play with heels (yes at 5 i wore my gran's heels....somethings never change haha ) 
when i was in high school was the worst!, i haaaaaated it dont because of the subjects just the abuse i would get for being different i think i came out to class mates in 6th year but i denied it for so long it was kinda bad i would force myself to like girls and it made me sad and it made me feel ill tbh not because they were ugly just because it wasnt me.

I remember the first time i said it out loud it felt so liberating and so awesome it made it easier to tell other people i mean i told everyone i didnt really hide it much
but....i did hide it from my family i only recently told them i told my mum and what she looked at me and i told her and she said "yeah, when do you want picking up from college" she wasnt phased at all she was like she knew the whole time...doh! ahha

so trust me when i say it gets better
Iin all honesty ive never been happier it such a weight of my chest these days

School is a small part of your life when you leave you will feel better (well i did) people are more accepting i get a few looks yeah ...but fuck them i am who i am
People will still be mean and discourage you but you will get over it and brush it off as nothing cause you will realise....your not the one whos got something wrong with them, the homophobes are the wrong ones 

My guess is that they are so scared of change that they cant accept us i think that if we band together and show them we are here and not going anywhere you should accept us 
I feel that there was one person who has helped alot they might not have known it but she helped a fucking lot i mean she inspired me to be who i was and dont give a shit what people think :) <3 love you 

I feel everything getting better everyday things falling into place and now i see a light....and the black tunnel of...nothingness is slowly disapearing into nothing! <3

Talia James (The Skincare Saviour)

Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm Andrew and i'm from Glasgow in the UK. Hope You'll follow my blog where I talk about everything from skincare, hair and makeup to busting myths and breaking down trends. Feel free to contact me at id love to hear from you.


  1. Sir_squiggledot15:36


  2. James Clark21:31

    Kudos for being true to yourself, that is one of life's great achievements.  Having been where you are now I know how it feels and I am happy for you.     

  3. Erika V.07:24

    There's no greater thing in the world than to be your true self.  Yay to you!!  <3


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