Favourite Beauty Blogs of 2012

Favourite Beauty Blogs of 2012
Hey Beauties!

I read a lot of blogs, I have to say its kind of a guilty pleasure that takes up a lot of my time but in reading all these blogs i have my favourites ones that i check all the time and through out 2012 I have found some amazing new blogs and some blogs ive liked since about 2010.

British Beauty Blogger- This has to be my favourite blog ever, Jane is such a great person with such an amazing insight into the beauty/blogging "thing" Her blog is just heaven to me and to be honest the reason why i buy a lot of stuff haha!

Jaynes Kitschen- I love Jayne's blog so much its just a great blog for all different kinds of things really from Makeup, Skin Care, Nails everything really. Her blog is one i could actually sit and read for hours

MakeupBeautyShopping- Nuala's Blog is just so bright pink and girly its so awesome haha its the epitome of girl, i love it. What I love most about her blog is that she just writes as if she were talking to you rather than just writing and describing something i think this is an awesome quality to be honest

Pixiwoo- what can i say that hasnt already been said about Pixiwoo, they are amazing and  i have actually learnt so much from them as well as the things they show and review are just amazing, quality products that actually work, they tell it like it is and i really admire that quality

ManFaceBlog- One of my go to blogs on Skin Care, the amount of Knowledge that Thom has on skin care is amazing he knows something for everything and something for everyone. His posts are always laid out and written really well so they are easy and a pleasure to read

Pampered Prince - Andy is my other go to skin care/grooming blog is knowledge is unrivalled ((...apart from with Thom hah)) He blogs mostly on grooming/skin care for men which i find is really lacking in the blogging world as men are becoming more aware of things like this its great to give them a helping hand!

ChristineIversen- This blog has to be one of my favourite more popular blogs just because as ive said before she is really nice but says it how it is, her posts are always really interested to read and not to mention shes really nice to talk to as well!

What are your favourite blogs for 2012?
Check out my favourites!
Leave a comment!

I'm happy to answer any and all questions, ask me on Twitter @AndrewJamesBATB
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Thanks for Reading!
Andrew James

Talia James (The Skincare Saviour)

Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm Andrew and i'm from Glasgow in the UK. Hope You'll follow my blog where I talk about everything from skincare, hair and makeup to busting myths and breaking down trends. Feel free to contact me at andrew@beautyandtheboy.com id love to hear from you.


  1. Nuala Maria16:49

    Awwww thank you so much for the mention darlin means a lot and glad you like it! Hope you had a lovely Christmas and all the best for 2013 xxx

  2. You too! :D hope you have a great time xx

  3. I follow all these and agree they are great. :)

  4. Yeah they are all amazing bloggers, love them!

  5. Thanks for the suggestions! I only read a few of these so I'll have to check the other ones out! xoxo

  6. You should check out christines blog she is so awesome! :D x

  7. Some great picks here, looking forward to checking ten out :D

  8. Helen Jones23:40

    One of my favourite is actually a vlog channel Missbudgetbeauty on youtube, she explains things really well, is honest and down to earth and she has the cutest baby ever!

  9. Brit Beauty Blog is absolute tops! She is amazing. It is how a blog should be done! I end up buying a lot of the stuff too! haha!


    Jen x


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