You'd be mad to miss this - Origins Mask Marvels

Hey Beauties!

Sorry i haven't been posting much lately ive been so busy with college and with the nights getting darker its harder to get home in time to get pictures (You can find me on Instagram (AndrewJamesBATB) to keep up with how im doing in college)

About todays post its about the brand Origins and i just had to share with you all, They are launching the Mask Marvels set exclusive to Boots and In the set you will be getting Clear Improvement Active charcoal mask (75ml) which is used to clear pores, Drink Up Intensive Overnight mask (75ml) which will quench dry and dehydrated skin and finally the Out of Trouble 10 minute mask (75ml) to rescue problem skin. The best part about this set it it will be only £23 with a value of £50 but being reduced in the boots better than half price sale. This is a deal you would have to be mad to miss out on

You can find the offer by clicking here

I think this is a fantastic idea because if you think about it the full size masks are around £23 each but you're getting the entire set for only £23 not to mention since Christmas is coming up it would make a fantastic little gift for someone.
Ive used the Drink up mask and I can say i loved it, it made my skin feel so much more hydrated and plump as dry skin tends to look a little dull and flat. Everything ive tried from Origins has been such a pleasure to use i dont think ive ever used anything ive not been happy with 

What is your favourite Origins Mask?
Will you be trying this set?
Leave a Comment!

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Talia James (The Skincare Saviour)

Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm Andrew and i'm from Glasgow in the UK. Hope You'll follow my blog where I talk about everything from skincare, hair and makeup to busting myths and breaking down trends. Feel free to contact me at id love to hear from you.


  1. Looks like a great value set x

  2. I've always really wanted to try Origins masks, so this would be a great way to do that! :)

    Alicia (LissyBeauty)

  3. I saw this on the boots website a few days ago, been wanting to try the masks for a while so clearly makes sense to buy them now! Need Friday payday to hurry up!
    Sammie x

  4. Thank so much for the tip off. I have got the clear improvement mask and the intensive drink up so i knew this was a good deal! I probably wouldn't have thought the look in my local boots for it as they don't get the higher end brands sets. They actually had it and my mum bought it for my Christmas with her points :)

  5. I couldn't resist this offer and bought it for myself to try! The drink up mask smells incredible but haven't tried them yet! xx

    Kay | What Kay Does


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