The Death of the Beard

Death of the Beard

The Beard has been really popular lately its either a love or hate thing. Personally for me im not a fan of beards, I like a bit of stubble or facial hair but not a full on beard i think a lot of the time if its not taken care of properly it can look really unruly and one likes the hobo look. 

There has recently been some research showing that beards are slowly dying out and partners are now preferring smooth clean shaved or a bit of stubble.

Infographic from
I thought this was a pretty cool infographic and thought it would be cool to share it with everyone as beards are rather popular just nowAs you can see in Glasgow (where im from) People tend to prefer a smooth shave which i totally agree i haven't seen any guys sporting full beards about Glasgow.

What is your opinion on Beards?
Like them or Loathe them?
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Talia James (The Skincare Saviour)

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  1. Jenn21:36

    I'm really not a fan of beards and I feel so in the minority at the moment as everyone seems to be growing them! I think even David Beckham looks unattractive now that he has that bushy thing on his chin!


  2. Lucy Johns13:27

    I love a good beard, but I agree, if they're not well groomed, it can look a bit hobo. Stubble looks great too, it's a nice meet in the middle!

    Love Lucy x

  3. I think some guys really suit a beard, but personally I prefer my boyfriend with just stubble. I think a clean shave makes some guys look too young, but stubble is a good in between. xx

  4. I have a love/hate relationship with beards. I think they can look really good and really suit some guys (let's be honest, some really need a beard!) but I completely agree that they can look a hot mess if not looked after properly. A well groomed, nourished beard can look pretty amazing! I've tried growing one but I don't have the patience for it - maybe next winter I will give it a go again just to see what it looks like! ›› Men’s Fashion | Grooming | Lifestyle

  5. I think beards are amazing, and not because I have a website devoted to beards, but there's something special about growing a beard. I've had mine for about 10 years, trimming, cutting and taking care of with different oils, balms etc. The bearded community i filled mainly with amazing people and I've made so many new friends thanks to beards!

    Tho, that can be said about a lot of topics, depending on what you are in to.... You could basically replace the word "beard" in my text with anything, for example "Mohawk" or "Tattoo" or "Hello Kitty" and it would apply just as good. It is what you make it to be! :)

    People getting along, complementing each other and becoming friends in the goal, and a more peaceful earth and society is what everyone should strive for, no matter what you like or dislike! :)


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