This is just things that i have picked up on over the past few years myself..and in no particular order -
1. Learn to do your own make up. Make up artists are fantastic....and usually do get the best results when using a make up artist. but sometimes you can be asked to go to a photoshoot where there is no make up artist, the make up artist may fall ill and unable to attend the photoshoot. Have a basic set of brushes, buy make up that you don't wear on day to day basis and keep that separate from make up you would use for photoshoots. when you are not doing anything, practise lots of different looks and styles of make up so you are confident to do this when/if required.
2. practise what poses are good for you! look through magazines,
use a mirror to do these poses then make them your own. Practise your facial
expressions. they don't always have to be smiley, or moody. sometimes the
stranger you feel about a pose, the better it can look. Also keep poses simple
in the first 15 mins or so of a shoot. this means you get the feel of how a
photographer works & your a bit more relaxed.
3. Always take change of underwear with you to a shoot. take a bra that is strapless, or is a multi-way. Three colour of underwear black, white & nude. Make sure they are not tight and leave marks on you. if you wear a bra to a photoshoot and you are doing beauty/headshots and you have marks on your shoulder from your bra, it is more work for the photographer AFTER the photoshoot in editing.
4. Take with you your make up kit (brushes, foundation, mascara, lipgloss and powder are the best to take with you...take eyeshadows, blusher/bronzer if you have the room also), Straighteners, brush, curling tongs, hair bands, bobbles and kirby grips. It is always better to be safe with packing with you what you can. rather than not taking anything for hair and make up!
5. keep communication with the client/photographer! This is the MOST important thing you can do. have all contact details with you before you leave your house. communication prior to the photoshoot is essential so that everyone involved is aware of what is happening on the day of the photoshoot. if you turn up with nothing with you, and there is no make up artist, hair stylist, clothing stylist...what will you do then?! Email/txt/call the client/photographer the night before the shoot just to double check that everything is still all ok for the photoshoot the next day, confirming the times, place of meeting and the photoshoot itself.
3. Always take change of underwear with you to a shoot. take a bra that is strapless, or is a multi-way. Three colour of underwear black, white & nude. Make sure they are not tight and leave marks on you. if you wear a bra to a photoshoot and you are doing beauty/headshots and you have marks on your shoulder from your bra, it is more work for the photographer AFTER the photoshoot in editing.
4. Take with you your make up kit (brushes, foundation, mascara, lipgloss and powder are the best to take with you...take eyeshadows, blusher/bronzer if you have the room also), Straighteners, brush, curling tongs, hair bands, bobbles and kirby grips. It is always better to be safe with packing with you what you can. rather than not taking anything for hair and make up!
5. keep communication with the client/photographer! This is the MOST important thing you can do. have all contact details with you before you leave your house. communication prior to the photoshoot is essential so that everyone involved is aware of what is happening on the day of the photoshoot. if you turn up with nothing with you, and there is no make up artist, hair stylist, clothing stylist...what will you do then?! Email/txt/call the client/photographer the night before the shoot just to double check that everything is still all ok for the photoshoot the next day, confirming the times, place of meeting and the photoshoot itself.

6. Make sure your mobile phone is fully charged!! Even take your phone charger with you!! Keep your phone switched on until you arrive at your photoshoot. this is so you can keep communication with the client/photographer open, and if there is a delay or you arrive early you can let them know and vice versa!
7. Take good care of your body. Have a healthy diet, regular exercise and look after your skin! Have a good skin cleaning regime, moisturise your skin twice a day.
8. Always be nice! It may sound daft...but be nice to the people you are working with!! if you are bitchy on set, and have a bad attitude, the people around you wont like it...they may tell you to leave, they may not be too bothered about the shoot and also tell other people not to work with you. If you are nice and pleasant, they will like working with you, maybe work with you more than just the once and also tell people they should work with you and pass on your details. It is common sense really!
9. When you receive your images, always credit the people you worked with for that image. Never photoshop/edit that image, unless the photographer has said you can. but 9 times out of 10 the photographer will not of given you rights to change/alter that image in anyway. The image belongs to the photographer/client. Yes it is your face/body in the image...but that does NOT mean that you can alter it. if you are not happy with the image, speak to the photographer politely.

Ok so there is 10 hints and tips for now! I am sure there is
plenty more!! I may come back to this later on with more hints and tips! If you
have any questions or want to say something..just leave a comment!! :)
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